• Academic Teaching
  • Promotion of Piano Music
  • Performances & Collaborations
  • Academic Teaching

    My Teaching Philosophy

     My work aims at passing the pedagogic and musical heritage I have obtained from the master I had the privilege to work with to the new generation of pianists and piano pedagogues.
    Developing sonority and providing the technical skills needed for the artistic interpretation is another not less important component of my work. Preparing my students for their career as pianists and/or pedagogues means offering them a solid preparation for their working lives.
    I am also offering specialised training in applied pedagogics for piano initiation for children and adults.
    I am convinced that music is a source of personal enrichment and energy for every human being.


    Manuela teaches private master classes in several cities and countries such as: Barcelona, Spain; Brussels, Belgium; Óbidos and Porto, Portugal. Be sure to check the upcoming events for more. She devotes special attention to the interpretation of Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven whose works she had the privilege of working with Helena Costa, Paul Badura Skoda, and Wllhelm Kempff.

  • Promotion of Piano Music

    SIPO – An International Piano Festival at Óbidos, Portugal

     Since 1996, SIPO – Óbidos International Piano Master Classes & Festival – is a landmark in the international music landscape. We are happy and proud to welcome artists of exceptional reputation in the world of music, offering musical moments of rare quality within a highly diversified festival programme. The charm and hospitality of the medieval town of Óbidos have also considerably contributed to the success of this extraordinary cultural event.

    Manuela Gouveia is the Artistic Director for SIPO, an week long annual event which combines piano master classes, daily musical concerts and an art exhibition.

  • Performances & Collaborations

    Manuela is regularly invited to participate in international festivals and to be a jury in piano competitions.

    Her repertory as a soloist and with orchestra ranges from baroque to contemporary works and frequently includes works of Portuguese composers.

    She is also particullarly appreciated for her masterclasses.

    If you are interested in working with her, please feel free to contact.

  • Academic Teaching
  • Promotion of Piano Music
  • Performances & Collaborations
  • General-Anzeiger, Bonn

     Ein großes Klaviertalent - Manuela Gouveia starkes Spieltemperament, ihre hochgespannte Darstellungsweise ... und eine feine klangdynamische Abschattierungskunst, die alle Klangmittel des modernen Flügels zum Einsatz bringt.

  • Jornal de Notícias, Porto

     Esta concertista de eleição... uma das nossas mais categorizadas instrumentistas de tecla, numa audição verdadeiramente notável. A fraseologia doce e quente que é apanágio de Manuela Gouveia. A música inconfundível saiu dos dedos prodigiosos de Manuela Gouveia como só os grandes intérpretes são susceptíveis de produzir.

  • Hamburger Abendblatt

     Manuela Gouveia bestach vom ersten Takt an mit der makellosen Klarheit und Leuchtkraft ihres ausgewogenen, strömenden Spiel ... ihrem ausgeprägten Formsinn... ihrem hockentwickelten Klangsinn.

  • Diario 16, Sevilla

     Manuela Gouveia brindó una espléndida ocasión para conocer el alto nivel interpretativo que vive el piano portugués... la elegancia y el mimo en la emisión del sonido... la belleza indudable de estas páginas fue dicha e expresada por Manuela Gouveia... través de una encomiable voluntad de desgranar fidedignamente el entramado creador del compositor.

  • Stuttgarter Zeitung

     In de Fallas Fantasia Baetica konnte Manuela Gouveia alles zusammenfassen, was ihr Spiel auszeichnet: Phantasie, südländisches Temperament und beträchtliche Viruosität.

  • A Ordem

     ... Os três poemas em prosa, peças interessantíssimas duma escrita pianística admirável a que Manuela Gouveia soube dar todo o relevo e originalidade... os três estudos e a suite de Debussy foram excepcionalmente bem interpretados... Excelentes o nebulado das sonoridades, o colorido dos efeitos, o jogo de nuances, a comunhão total da técnica e da mecânica com o talento e a capacidade do saber interpretar.

  • General-Anzeiger, Bonn

     Hörbar wurde ein Chopin voller Tïefen.schärfe, jenseits von aller sentimentalen oder leidenschaftlichen Effekthascherei, aber auch jenseits von aller pianistischer Eitelkeit ... Ausgezeichnet insbesondere auch ihr ebenso präzises wie feingliedrig nuanciertes Debussy-Spiel, höchst ausdrucksvoll.

  • O Comércio do Porto

     ... Beethoven, um dos criadores musicais para os quais Manuela Gouveia dir-se-ia particularmente fadada... o Rondo op. 129 foi admirável na exteriorização de todas as nuances... a Sonata op. 109 foi um primor – de bom gosto expositivo, com uma demonstração de sonoridades verdadeiramente beethovenianas, nos três movimentos.

  • Die Welt, Hamburg

     Manuela Gouveia entfaltete mit ausgeprägtem Sinn für klangliche Differenzierung alle Register ihres beträchtlichen Könnens.